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Popular Halloween Costumes for Men

Popular Halloween Costumes for Men

Popular Costumes for Men That time of year is creeping up on us like a spooky spider. That’s right, it’s Halloween time again. It’s the time when kids are clamoring to figure out what they want to dress up as. But Halloween is not just for the kids. We all had our fun when we were children running around the neighborhood, collecting candy in our favorite costumes. Sometime we want to go back to those happier times when we an pretend to be our favorite superhero or fighter pilot or horror movie monster. And with the popularity of Halloween parties many adults choose to don a costume for an evening of fun with friends. So what’s a guy to wear this Halloween season? What’s new, what’s popular, what’s the latest and greatest when it comes to Halloween?

There are so many choices, too many to list in one article, but here are a few of some of the more popular choices. Superhero costumes. Sometimes it’s good to fall back on the old standard superheros. Batman has seen a boost in popularity due to the Dark Knight movies in recent years. The Joker costumes is still extremely popular due to the creepiness of this particular character. Batman costumes also come in more choices now. You can outfit yourself in the traditional Batman costumes or with an over-the-top deluxe Dark Knight costume. That one is sure to get a lot of attention. Other superhero costumes that are super popular this year are Captain America and The Green Lantern. It’s funny how a simple movie, doesn’t matter how good or bad it is, can stir up the popularity of a new character for Halloween. It’s not just movies that help the costume industry. Video games also boost the sales of certain character costumes. Mortal Kombat is a popular game and so are the costumes. They come in several characters from the game and any man would look great in these warrior style costumes.

Want something a little more military like? How about Halo costumes? Halo Master Chief costumes are proving to be quite popular and look like the real deal. If you’re willing to spend the money, the deluxe style costumes will make you look like you just stepped out of the game. They come with accessories too, like Halo 3 gloves or the cool looking Master Chief fully enclosed vacumn form helmet. Want something a little more on the cute side? Something a little less violent? Well this next costumes is not necessarily less violent, but it is kind of cute. Angry Birds costumes are a top seller this year already. The game has been such a big hit that everyone wants to be an Angry Bird for Halloween.

Dressing up like a silly bird not your thing? Well, how about a costume that is sure to get a lot of attention from the ladies due to its pure cuddle factor. The Sock Monkey is making a come back in popularity thanks to a commercial played during the Superbowl in 2010. If you haven’t seen it, Kia used the sock monkey and other vintage childhood toys to show how much fun it is to own their cars. In the commercial sock monkey drives, goes bowling, catches big air on a stand-up jet ski and kicks it with the ladies at a dance party. Clearly sock monkey’s got it going on. So, Sock Monkey Costumes are a big hit this year. There is even a zombie sock monkey for those who want to take cute and cuddly to a different level.

This is only a few of the many choices a guy has for Halloween. So, what’s it going to be? Superhero, cute and cuddly, or macho warrior?