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Sports and Satellite TV Have Turned Sunday Into a Whole New Ballgame

Sports and Satellite TV Have Turned Sunday Into a Whole New Ballgame

Until recently, baseball was considered the most popular sport in America. With a 162 game season spanning through the entire spring and summer, baseball is able to capture the attention of the entire sports watching community for the entire regular season and playoffs. No other sport allowed people to come to see the game live in such a relaxed, enjoyable fashion: with games being played all summer long, fans are able to spend a night outside, enjoying the temperate weather, all while willing their team on to victory in a very social and engaging manner. Basketball and hockey games are both played indoors, thereby eliminating the chances of enjoying a game while also enjoying the beautiful day or night during which it is being played. However, football has recently taken over and has stolen the title of most popular sport in America.

It may come as a surprise to many, but football and the NFL now sit atop the sports world as far as American audiences and consumers are concerned. The league broadcasts the most watched games and makes the most money of any of the major sports leagues. Despite being very different from baseball – games are played at a fast pace and more often than not in cold weather, including rain and snow – football has undoubtedly surpassed America’s pastime as the most popular sport of all. With all the action compressed into a single afternoon every Sunday, fans are pouring into stadiums and sports bars to cheer on their team week in and week out.

However, one obstacle that football fans still face is being able to get full access to every game played every week. Unlike baseball, football fans are often restricted to watching their local market team play along with one other game a week. That is all. With so much action every single Sunday, it is amazing how few fans are able to watch the games that they really want to. With satellite TV, however, this problem can be corrected. NFL Sunday Ticket — an optional package available only through a satellite TV connection – allows fans to watch every down of every game every single Sunday. Essentially, this package gives fans the power to choose what they want to watch and when they want to watch it. Maybe your home team is playing at 4pm, and you want to watch a division rival battle through its game starting at 1pm. Or, maybe your favorite team is blowing out the competition and you simply want to switch over to a move exciting and more compelling match between two other teams. Regardless of what watching patterns you have, satellite TV is the only place for you to be in control of your NFL Sundays: with a cable connection, you can put the remote down for the day as there are no options as to what games you want to watch – you are forced to make due with whatever is being broadcast and that’s that.